The Works of God are Precise in Every
Two Views of Redemptive Order
By Fred O. Blakely
From an overall view
of the situation, two contrasting orders of the unfolding of redemption’s plan
are apparent. These, of course, are in no sense contradictory of each other.
They simply portray the case as regarded from different perspectives. It is a good
exercise of the spirit to consider them.
The Priority of the
Natural. The first presents what might be termed the priority of the
natural creation in the scheme of things, and is set forth by Paul in First
Corinthians 15:42-47. He points out the order of the development of God’s
purpose, as shown in the respective federal heads of the race—Adam and Christ.
“That was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and
afterward that which is spiritual,” he observes.
His reference is to
the fact that the “first Adam” came before the “last Adam” [Christ]. Hence, the
natural body which came from Adam the first is our first tabernacle, but, after
it is cast off by death, comes the “spiritual body,” which Adam the last gives.
He concludes with the blessed assurance that “as we have borne the image of the
earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly,” i.e., Christ, our
resurrected body being “fashioned according to His glorious body” (v. 49; cf.
Phil. 3:21).
The Grand Scope
Envisaged. The Apostle here envisages the grand outworking of God’s
eternal purpose in Christ. Insofar as bodily salvation is concerned, that
purpose will ultimate in the complete undoing of the curse of corruption and
mortality brought by Adam’s sin, as Romans 5:12-21 develops more fully.
This is what was
declared earlier in First Corinthians 15:20-22: “Now is Christ risen from the
dead, and become the Firstfruits of them that slept [not only of the justified,
but also of the unjustified; see John 5:28-29; Acts 24:15]. For since by man
came death, by Man came also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all
die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.” “But every man in his own
order,” it is added: “Christ the Firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ’s
at His coming” (v. 23).
The Two Orders of
Resurrection. Only two orders of resurrection are here mentioned—that of
our Lord’s and that of the general resurrection “at His coming.” The term,
“they that are Christ’s,” must, in its broader sense, refer, not to His church
exclusively (though by it the Apostle for the moment may have specifically
meant that), but to all mankind. This is because Christ, as we have seen, is
here generally contemplated as the federal Head of humanity (as regards bodily
resurrection), just as the first Adam was so in the old creation.
This must be the
inclusive scope intended by “they that are Christ’s”; otherwise, the Apostle
contradicts himself by saying that Christ is “the Firstfruits of them that
slept,” and that resurrection by Christ is as certain and extensive as death
was by Adam. Such a contradiction, of course, is unthinkable, as it is
impossible that it should exist.
The First Place of
the Spiritual. It is noteworthy that, in one view of the situation, there
is a reversal of the redemptive order set forth above. From this aspect, “that
which is spiritual” is first, then “that which” is bodily, not the other way
round, as regarded in First Corinthians 15:46.
The Edenic
“transgression” (I Tim. 2:14) was essentially spiritual, although physical
activity was involved in the taking and eating of the proscribed tree’s fruit
(Gen. 3:6). Accordingly, the immediately-effective part of God’s punishment of
death for the sin was also spiritual. He had warned Adam that the day in which
he should eat of the “tree of the knowledge of good and evil” he should “surely
die” (ch. 2:15-16). And “it was so” (ch. 1:11), he being that day alienated
from his Creator, with whom he apparently had previously enjoyed close
communion, which spiritual separation is death. It was 930 years later that he
paid the penalty of physical death.
The Parallel in
Redemption. And so it is, when contemplated from this angle, with “the redemption
that is in Christ Jesus” (Rom. 3:24). Man is first redeemed spiritually through
his acceptance by faith and baptism of God’s saving grace. He, thus, lives unto
God in his spirit before his bodily redemption becomes effective. The latter
will take place “in the resurrection” (Mt. 22:30), at Jesus’ second coming. Not
until then shall he experience “the redemption” of the body (Rom. 8:23-25; Eph.
1:13-14), realizing the consummate salvation from the condemnation and death
into which the first Adam, by sin against God, plunged the human race.
Meanwhile, those who
have now “received the atonement” for sin wrought by Christ (Rom. 5:11) live
unto God through Him, and “rejoice in hope” of the bodily salvation “ready to
be revealed” when Jesus appears (Rom. 5:2; I Pet. 1:5). As the first Adam sinned,
experienced the spiritual phase of his death sentence, so they who have obeyed
Christ now have spiritual life in Him. And as Adam later tasted of the physical
part of the death penalty, so they, too, shall, by and by, have their
corruptible bodies replaced by incorruptible ones, and be given to live forever
in full fellowship with and service of the gracious Father, as completely
redeemed beings.
So does the order of
redemption, as thus viewed, parallel that of the curse’s application as a
result of the fall. First the spiritual is experienced, then comes the bodily,
of which the former is an earnest and pledge. Great and marvelous, of a truth,
are the works of our God, and precise in every detail as to their
correspondence. —The End—