Showing posts with label the Devil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the Devil. Show all posts

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Who Must Flee, the Devil or You?

Who Must Flee, the Devil or You?

There are times in life's experience where the Devil must flee,and there are others where we must flee. He that is wise will perceive and know the difference.

“Resist the Devil,and he will flee from you"(Jas.4:7), declares James. Of the Devil, Peter also writes, "whom resiststedfast in the faith"(I Pet. 5:9).

There are nevertheless times when we ourselves are to flee.Flee youthful lusts(II Tim.2:22).Flee fornication (1Cor.6:18). Flee from idolatry (I Cor.10:14). Flee the seductive influence of false teachers (see I Tim. 6:1-11)."Abstain from all appearance of evil"(I Th. 5:22). "Abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul (I Pet. 2:11)

Whenever the people of God are faced with temptations of these sorts,they are to flee their alluring influence, in the same way that Joseph fled from the attempted ensnarement by Potiphar's wife (see Gen. 39:12). Sometimes such fleeing will involve further testing for the one that is seeking to escape, as was the case with Joseph, but nevertheless it is always right to flee from perceived intended entrapment by the wicked one.“He that departeth from evil maketh himself a prey" (Isa. 59:15). But God is faithful, who will always provide “a way of escape that ye may be able to bear it" (see I Cor. 10:13).

Thursday, September 24, 2015

On Satan’s Binding and Loosing

On Satan’s Binding and Loosing

By Dean E. Boelt 

There are at least two different senses in which the terms, binding and loosing are used in Scripture with regard to satanic activity. In Revelation 20:2-3 we read of Satan being bound for a thousand years, but afterwards he is loosed for a little season. 

There the Devil is restrained by the Lord God for an extended period of time so that he should no longer deceive the nations. But after this time period has passed the Divine restraints are lifted and the serpent is free, for a little season, to express himself more fully. 

In this apocalyptic language we have an interpretation of the restraint or outbreak, as the case may be, of wickedness and deception in the earth. In other words the principle to be seen here is this; wherever wickedness is gaining ground and increasing in popularity among men, there the Devil has been loosed. 

In this sense there are times and places where the Devil is evidently bound and his influence greatly restrained, but there are also occasions and localities where he has been obviously loosed.  And so long as we remain in this present evil world, we are still in the domain where this kind of binding and loosing occurs intermittently and repeatedly. 

The other sense in which the term, binding, at least, is used is found in such places as Matthew 12:29 and Mark 3:27. “No man can enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man; and then he will spoil his house.” And as Christ did with this one who was “possessed with a devil, blind, and dumb” (Mt. 12:22), so He does with all today who believe and obey the gospel. He binds the strong man, 

Satan, so that the wicked one touches them not (cf. I Jn. 5:18).  That is to say, the old serpent does not have the power to effectively turn believing men and women away from the living God, to make them quit relying on Christ and cleaving to the Lord by overpowering them. Christ has bound the strong man! Praise be to His Name! 

The Devil can still tempt, seduce, and beguile, to be sure, but this will only prove to be effective where men and women have quit believing the record that God gave of His Son. [Such unbelieving ones are open season for Satan’s devices and delusions (cf. II Tim. 2:25-26)]. 

In conclusion then, let us “keep” ourselves “in the love of God” (Jude 21; cf. I Jn. 5:18), and give thanks that, in such keeping of ourselves, this “strong man,” who would turn us away from the God of our salvation, isbound and there is no intermittent or extended loosing of him in this sense.