Showing posts with label conditions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label conditions. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

The Condition of Fruitfulness


The Condition of Fruitfulness

Representations Made by Dean E. Boelt
“As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine, no more can ye, except ye abide in Me. I am the vine, ye are the branches. He that abideth in Me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without Me ye can do nothing" (Jn. 15:4-5).
The inexorable condition of fruit bearing for Christ, as He emphasizes in the above declaration, is unity with Him. If we are "united with Him" in His death and resurrection (Rom. 6:4-5, ASV; cf. Col. 2:10-14), fruitfulness will follow. But without that fellowship, "ye can do nothing" of any recognition by God, as He said.
That was the reality which the religious workers of record in Matthew 7:26-27 learned too late. They were attempting to serve God in dissociation from His beloved Son. As the Savior put it on another occasion, "Every plant which My heavenly Father hath not planted shall be rooted up" (15:13). It is a lesson which religious people today who are not in vital fellowship with the exalted Lord also require to learn.
But--praise His Name!--the opposite situation is equally certain. Those who get into, and abide in Jesus, bring forth "much fruit." "So shall ye be My disciples," He continued; that is, by fruit bearing (v.  8 ).
Christ is "the true vine," and His Father is "the husbandman" that sustains the vine. Existence of the "true vine," obviously, presupposes that of false vines. And so there are, have been, and will continue to be as long as this world continues. Hence, the Lord's grave warning of the "false prophets" with which the brethren would certainly be confronted (Mt. 24:11, 24-25).
Paul, of course, followed with grave warnings of the false teachers who would subvert many (Tit. 1:10-11; cf. Acts 15:24; 20:29-30). He himself had to constantly contend with them, and it is certain that they must be confronted and dealt with today. They are "a strange vine" of the earth, as the Prophet probably would say (Jer. 2:21). That is, they are sharply distinguished from that of God's "planting" (Isa, 61:3).
It is heartening to know that personal union with the exalted Christ is ample protection against false teachers and full surety of fruitfulness to God. As Peter declared with reference to such abiding in Christ, "If these things"-the fruits of union with the Lord-"be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" (II Pet. 1:8).
The indispensable responsibility of the individual believer, thus, is apparent. It is to abide in Christ, growing "up into Him in all things" (Eph. 4:15). The work of the church is designed to serve the need associated with that responsibility. It is, first, to bring people to the Lord by proclamation of the gospel. Then it is to build them up in the faith by continually nurturing them in Him.
As a congregation, or group of them, gives itself to that assignment, it may be certain that it has the Presence and blessing of the reigning Savior. But only so, it must be added. --From the February 1992 issue of The Banner of Truth

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Walking according the Rule of New Creatureship

Walking according the Rule of New Creatureship
By Michael Blakely

"For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature. And as many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them, and mercy, and upon the Israel of God" (Gal. 6:15-16).

Some comments made by Brother Michael at Refreshing Waters Renewal

  1. There are connected requirements revealed in the gospel, which must be met if men are to be saved.
  2. There are conditions to keep what God gives. One of those conditions involves the maintenance of new creatureship.
  3. Anything good from God is received and kept on the basis of conditions.
  4. The implications of the gospel involve maintentance and upkeep.
  5. We avail ourselves of God's benefit in Christ in expectation of an effect.
  6. What will avail me both now and in the Judgment? That is question which we must daily ask ourselves?
  7. Who hath bewitched you?, Paul asked the Galatians. In other words, they changed sides.
  8. We have many supplements to the gospel in our day, which amount to another gospel.
  9. Here is the situation that men are confronted with in the new covenant era. Either you live unto God by faith in Jesus Christ, or you live by the rules.
  10. Every believer must come to the point where they tell their "old man" (cf. Eph. 4:22-24), I don't need you any more. I don't need anything you have to offer.
  11. In their measure, like Paul, the people of God bear the marks of the Cross of Christ. They have come to realize that it has cost, and daily costs, them something to follow Jesus.
  12. Abstinence from circumcision, or legal requirements of any sort, will not suffice or avail before God, but only a new creature.
  13. In Christ Jesus, God has created you all over again.
  14. The new man can be put off, or ignored, but he cannot be corrupted.
  15. The new man is a sphere of activity.
  16. It is incumbent upon us to walk within the boundaries of the new man, and to keep the new man nourished up in the Word and in the doctrine.