“What if God, willing to show His wrath, and to make His power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction: and that He might make known the riches of His glory on the vessels of mercy, which He had afore prepared unto glory.” (Rom. 9:22-23).
"The ears of the Lord of Sabaoth" (Jas. 5:4) are constantly attentive to the prayers of the righteous and to the cries of those among that number who are afflicted and oppressed. Let us seek grace that we may serve our great God acceptably with reverence and godly fear through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. --Al Stoner
Showing posts with label glory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label glory. Show all posts
Friday, January 17, 2025
Saturday, August 22, 2015
The Matter of Perdition and Glory
The Matter of Perdition and Glory
By Given O. Blakely
“But we are not of them who draw back unto perdition; but of them that believe to the saving of the soul” (Heb. 10:39).
“The word ‘second coming’ indicates a final and different order of coming. It does not necessarily mean second chronologically. The Lord Jesus ‘appeared’ to Paul, Cephas, James, the Twelve, and some five hundred brethren (I Cor. 15:5-8) after He arose from the dead. However Christ’s ‘second’ coming, or appearing (Heb. 9:28), shall be the final one.”
“There are manners of life [which are presently being lived] that lead to both glory and perdition, and when Jesus comes again, they shall have led there. Right now all men are associated with either perdition or glory. Both perdition and glory shall come when Jesus comes.”
“Laying up treasures in heaven entails developing an appetite for the glory that is to be revealed.”
“A coveting, grasping life is leading to perdition (cf. I Tim. 6:9). Believing “unto the saving of the soul” (Heb. 10:39) is leading to glory.” “The only way to avoid perdition is to be godly, which entails living by faith. Ungodliness is a manner of living that leads to the lake of fire, which is the second death.”
“It is presently hard to convince the sinner of perdition, and sometimes it is even difficult to persuade the believers of glory, because both perdition and glory are obscure now. They can only be perceived by faith. But both perdition and glory shall be experienced by men when Christ comes again the second time.”
“God did not call us for the ultimate purpose of being good neighbors, or for being a good husband or wife, but rather for the purpose of obtaining the glory that shall be revealed.”
“The ungodly shall be subject to “shame and everlasting contempt” (Dan. 12:2) in every sense of the word when they enter into perdition.”
“Perdition is the worst thing that can happen unto men, and glory is the best thing. And when Jesus shall appear the second time [and not before then], the wicked shall go into perdition, and the saints shall enter into glory.”
“When Christ comes again, the eternal habitations shall at that time be occupied by both sinners and saints. For the sinners the habitations shall be in “outer darkness,” but for the righteous they shall be in the presence of the Lord.” “And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal” (Mt. 25:46).
“Both perdition and glory shall be the logical outcomes of the manner of living that preceded them. The identifications with both of these states are presently in the process of being made.” As it is written, “He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still” (Rev. 22:11).
“Christ’s coming, like a battery, has both positive and negative points. It speaks of an ending and a beginning. It will end temporal existence and begin eternal existence. The saints will come out of tribulation, and the sinners shall go into it. He will take away from sinners, and bring to the saints. The objects of lust will be taken, the objects of hope will be brought.”
“He will take away the handicap and struggle from the righteous and give them to the sinner. He will take away liberty from the wicked, and give it to the saints. The saints shall exchange a cross for a crown, and the sinners shall exchange ease for tribulation.” --Excerpted from a sermon preached by Brother Given, entitled, “The Perdition and Glory That Shall Follow Christ’s Coming”
“There are manners of life [which are presently being lived] that lead to both glory and perdition, and when Jesus comes again, they shall have led there. Right now all men are associated with either perdition or glory. Both perdition and glory shall come when Jesus comes.”
“Laying up treasures in heaven entails developing an appetite for the glory that is to be revealed.”
“A coveting, grasping life is leading to perdition (cf. I Tim. 6:9). Believing “unto the saving of the soul” (Heb. 10:39) is leading to glory.” “The only way to avoid perdition is to be godly, which entails living by faith. Ungodliness is a manner of living that leads to the lake of fire, which is the second death.”
“It is presently hard to convince the sinner of perdition, and sometimes it is even difficult to persuade the believers of glory, because both perdition and glory are obscure now. They can only be perceived by faith. But both perdition and glory shall be experienced by men when Christ comes again the second time.”
“God did not call us for the ultimate purpose of being good neighbors, or for being a good husband or wife, but rather for the purpose of obtaining the glory that shall be revealed.”
“The ungodly shall be subject to “shame and everlasting contempt” (Dan. 12:2) in every sense of the word when they enter into perdition.”
“Perdition is the worst thing that can happen unto men, and glory is the best thing. And when Jesus shall appear the second time [and not before then], the wicked shall go into perdition, and the saints shall enter into glory.”
“When Christ comes again, the eternal habitations shall at that time be occupied by both sinners and saints. For the sinners the habitations shall be in “outer darkness,” but for the righteous they shall be in the presence of the Lord.” “And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal” (Mt. 25:46).
“Both perdition and glory shall be the logical outcomes of the manner of living that preceded them. The identifications with both of these states are presently in the process of being made.” As it is written, “He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still” (Rev. 22:11).
“Christ’s coming, like a battery, has both positive and negative points. It speaks of an ending and a beginning. It will end temporal existence and begin eternal existence. The saints will come out of tribulation, and the sinners shall go into it. He will take away from sinners, and bring to the saints. The objects of lust will be taken, the objects of hope will be brought.”
“He will take away the handicap and struggle from the righteous and give them to the sinner. He will take away liberty from the wicked, and give it to the saints. The saints shall exchange a cross for a crown, and the sinners shall exchange ease for tribulation.” --Excerpted from a sermon preached by Brother Given, entitled, “The Perdition and Glory That Shall Follow Christ’s Coming”
Christ's appearing,
laying up treasures,
Monday, May 18, 2015
The Glory of Christ's Manifestation
The Glory of the Manifestation. "Abide in Him, that when He shall appear [be manifested, ASV], we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before Him at His coming (I Jn. 2:28). "The deep meaning of the Savior's manifestation is concealed in the word 'appear'. The ASV brings it out to clear light by the word 'manifested' [Peter calls it His "revelation" (I Pet. 1:13; cf. I Jn. 3:2, ASV). When He was on earth, 'a weary Man and full of woes', there was a veil over His true glory, through which only a few could see. When He comes the second time. He will be seen 'as He is'-'in His glory' (Matt. 25:31; I Jn. 3:2)."
Christ's appearing,
die Herrlichkeit Christi,
the glory
Saturday, May 16, 2015
The Glory of the New Covenant
It Is the Keeping Power of the Gospel!
The Glory of the New Covenant By Michael P. Blakely ". . . Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time" (I Pet. 1:5).
We who are Christ's know that we serve the only true God, and
that ours is the only true religion, the popularity and apparent success of
other religions notwithstanding. Yet, Christianity seems to be the least
successful of the major religions of the world, as measured by man's
standards of growth. We can't seem to reach enough new people to add to our
number, and of the few who are added, too many remain spiritual infants, are
persistent in living ungodly, or just drop out altogether.
The wisdom of men has been employed to remedy the situation in
the form of legions of growth programs, recruiting formulae, and the like,
all the while neglecting the greatest remedy of all. The very gospel that has
been cast aside by wise men has been ordained to be the wisdom and power of
God to salvation.
Instruction Not the Answer. "And they shall teach no more every man his
neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, Know the LORD: for they shall
all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the LORD"
(Jer. 31:34; Heb. 8:11).
The power of the gospel that has been hidden from wise men is
in its proclamation, not in instruction. The qualities of the new creatures
in Christ are those of new affections, renewed minds, an affinity for God,
and hatred for sin and worldliness. These are the things which cannot be
produced by instruction. More people should be alarmed that there is such a
lack of devoted people in the churches at a time when there is unprecedented
teachings, methods, and formulae for devotion!
We cannot cause people to love God by telling them that they
ought to love God. We cannot cause people to get excited about going to
heaven by teaching them how to be excited about going to heaven. Worshippers
cannot be taught nor coerced into worship. The changing, transforming power
of the gospel that causes men to be true worshippers, anxiously anticipating
their beloved Lord's soon return, comes from preaching it--proclaiming
it--and believing it!
Transforming power. God has ordained the preaching of the gospel to remedy
the contrariness of the carnal nature. The power of the gospel is that which
can bring about a complete change in men pronounced dead by the law--which
law, coincidentally, was a body of instructions. (One would think that that
example would be sufficient to prove the fruitlessness of instructions on how
to please God).
The change that the gospel effects in the believer is not only
a change in relationship to God--that is, a removal of the stains of sin and
the terrible wrath and judgment of God, and the appropriation of His love and
grace--but it also effects a change in the man himself. "Therefore if
any man be in Christ, he is a new creature" (II Cor. 5:17). To further
expound the point, the transformation that takes place in the believer is not
merely an improvement of the old man. The entire corrupt, old man is rejected
and God creates a new man in Christ.
New Devotion. Paul wrote to the Corinthian brethren that, "the
love of Christ constraineth us" (II Cor. 5:14). The context of that
passage is telling us that Paul gave himself in undying devotion to God and
the work of spreading the gospel because of Christ's love for him, and his
love for Christ. That was apparently a powerfully motivating factor, as
anyone who knows even a little about the life of the Apostle Paul can see.
It is the love of God and Christ that draws us to the Father,
and that initiates the heart's reaction of gratitude and contrition. The
knowledge and belief of what God has done for us in Jesus Christ will produce
that devotion that is so lacking today. The preaching of Christ's sufferings
and great sacrifice will cause the hard heart to become tender toward
How can we envision His sufferings for our sins and not be
compelled to draw closer? How can we survey that great glory that He left
behind in order to save us and not listen to His words? We carefully examine
his great love for us as He prayed in agony in the garden, and as He freely
laid down His life on the cross, and we know we must embrace this Savior.
In the Scriptures many responded with the simple question,
"What must I do to be saved?" as if to say, "How can I honor
Him? I do not want to be guilty of rejecting this great salvation. What does
my loving, merciful, and gracious God require of His unworthy servant? I will
do it because I see that I can trust Him. I see that He bore all of the
punishment that I deserved and I will come to Him in faith, trusting that
goodness and mercy which I now so plainly see."
The gospel necessitates a humble response from the believer.
It will produce that sense of great obligation and undying gratitude in the
heart when it is preached. But this is merely the beginning point of our
transformation. The Christian life is one marked by continual spiritual
growth and godly change.
Devotion alone is not enough to satisfy the whole man and to
keep him on the straight and narrow way. There must be some long-term
expectations, some other-worldly power to keep the carnal nature at bay, and
to satisfy the hungry soul. That power which continues our transformation is
provided also in the new covenant.
The Glorious Incentives. One of the hallmarks of the new covenant which
distinguishes it from the old is that it provides glorious incentives to man.
Anyone who has studied the nature of man at all can attest to the changing
power that incentive can have on one's living. The incentive of the new
covenant is glory for those who are partakers in it!
"For since the beginning of the world men have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither hath the eye seen, O God, beside thee, what he hath prepared for him that waiteth for him" (Isa. 64:4; I Cor. 2:9). Just what the intricate details of that glory are we cannot possibly precisely conceive, but the Scriptures do give us insight into what the glorious final product will be, which end the divine transformation has now begun in us.
That end is to be glorified with the very One who gave Himself
for us: "but we know that, when He shall appear, we shall be like Him;
for we shall see Him as He is" (I Jn. 3:2). That great truth has yet to
dawn upon the average churchman of our day, and yet the Holy Spirit gives the
promise living, transforming, power in the lives of believers. To those who
are looking for the transforming power of the gospel the word of truth rings
clear, "we shall be like Him!"
We are Changed by Believing. The bane of neglecting to preach the gospel is
faithless, powerless, stagnant--if not dead--people. O that more men would
believe that He has made us "heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ:
if so be that we suffer with Him, that we may be also glorified together. For
I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be
compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us" (Rom. 8:17,18)!
We do not transform ourselves into something that is pleasing
to God by obedience, rather, God begins the transformation in us when we
believe the gospel, and continues that transformation by our continued faith.
It is our faith which appropriates His blessings, not our compliance with
code. Our Creator well knows that if we will only believe what He has done
for us in Jesus Christ, and His wonderful promises, that will be sufficient
to cause a change in us.
"For God, who commanded the light to shine out of
darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of
the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. But we have this treasure in
earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not
us" (II Cor. 4:7,8). That "knowledge" in "the face of
Jesus Christ" is the knowledge of what we are becoming--the change that
our transformation is affecting. If one wants to know how God has made us
new, we bid them look at Christ!
One, with God and Christ. This is what Jesus earnestly prayed for,
"And all Mine are Thine, and Thine are Mine; and I am glorified in
them." "And the glory which Thou gavest Me I have given them; that
they may be one, even as We are One" (Jn. 17:10,22). To become like our
Savior! That is the glory of the new covenant!
Whatever can be said about Jesus Christ can be said about all
of God's sons and daughters by faith. He is God's Son, and we have been made
God's many sons. The glorious situation of redeemed man under the new
covenant is just this, that God "hath raised us up together, and made us
sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus" (Eph. 2:6). By faith,
we are being "changed into the same image" of His glorious Son, to
the end that we will also be triumphant, reigning, blessed sons, as He is (II
Cor. 3:18).
Christ is thus described as the "forerunner" (Heb.
6:20), the "firstborn among many brethren" (Rom. 8:29), and the
"firstborn from the dead" (Col. 1:18). "First" signifying
that there will be many others who will follow in His glorious footsteps. By
God's grace and our faith, we are those "many sons!"
God help us to grasp the great salvation in Jesus Christ! The
transforming, sanctifying, power of the gospel is in preaching it, and
believing it. The sacred conclusion then, is that by faith, "every man
that hath this hope in Him purifieth himself, even as He is pure" (I Jn.
der Glaube,
der neue Bund,
the gospel,
the new covenant,
новый завет
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