Showing posts with label indexed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label indexed. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

An Index for Self-Examination

"Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate" (Rom. 12:16). In this exhortation to the saints, occurs an index of the manner of God's kingdom, which is precisely opposite to that of this world. Without God, men must look to other men for help and advancement in status. 

Hence, they seek the favor of those able to aid them in realization of their ambitions. This situation accounts for the conniving and chicanery that characterize much of earthly life. But this is not the way of things in the kingdom of God. God Himself is sufficient for His subjects. He is both able and has promised to provide them with all they need, and to withhold no good thing from them, as they walk uprightly before Him. 

Hence, they are freed from the necessity of catering to men for advantage, and are at liberty to impartially serve mankind—without any regard whatever to their preferred state in the flesh, or lack of it. Their single-hearted desire is to serve and please the God of their salvation and abounding competence. It is He, not man, who underwrites their well-being and destiny.