Showing posts with label the knowledge of God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the knowledge of God. Show all posts

Saturday, July 25, 2015

The Word Proclaims its Excellence

The knowledge of God has all of the qualities of genuine savor, as that knowledge is obtained and retained by men. That is the sense of the Apostle's characterization of it as savory. "Such knowledge has a very practical aim. It is life, not a mere science; an experience, not speculation. It leads a man to own God and to serve Him. It fills the mind with brightness, and the life with fruitfulness. Theology is sometunes called 'the queen of the sciences'. But this heart-knowledge of God is more--it is 'life eternal' (Jn. 17:3)." "The experience of God's people  attests its excellence (Phil. 3:8). The Word proclaims its excellence (Jer. 9:24)."

Friday, June 12, 2015

Pardon’s Relation to Knowledge

It Opens the Way to Acquaintance with God

Pardon’s Relation to Knowledge  

By Fred O. Blakely
“This is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put My laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to Me a people: and they shall not teach every man his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for all shall know Me, from the least to the greatest. For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness [for I will forgive their iniquity (Jer. 31:34)] and their sins and iniquities will I remember no more” (Heb. 8:10-12).

The text sets forth vital contrasts between the old and new covenants, which serve to exhibit the vast superiority of the latter. Prominent among these contrasts is the spiritual knowledge of God made possible under the new dispensation, as opposed to the comparative ignorance of Him that prevailed under the old one. The forgiveness of sins, to which all of the surpassing benefits of the better covenant are ultimately to be attributed, is fundamental to this superiority.
Let us consider the text with a view to perceiving something of its engaging representations in this connection. In that discernment, we shall more fully appreciate our favored status as those upon whom the grace foreseen and predicted by the Prophets of old time has now come (Heb. 11:39-40; I Pet. 1:10-12), and be better equipped to live and walk becomingly in it.
The Contrast with the Old Covenant
Although there was a revelation of God under the old covenant, because of the provisional, or tentative, way in which sin was dealt with (Heb. 10:1-4; cf. chs. 8:7-8; 9:8-10), and the resultant unregenerated nature of the people (Rom. 8:3), the covenant was weak and unprofitable to invest the “comers thereunto” with the spiritual knowledge of God (Heb. 7:18-19; cf. chs. 8:7: 9:8-9). Hence, the first covenant served only for “the time then present” as a beginning of approach to God by alienated man (Heb. 9:9), until “the time of reformation,” when full propitiation for sin would be accomplished by Christ (v. 10), and the “better covenant” and “better hope, by which we draw nigh unto God,” was brought in (chs. 7:19; 8:6-7).
The Provisions of the Old. The faultiness of the old covenant, as compared to the new one, is evident in its provisions. As we have said, the sin-offerings were inefficacious to cleanse the conscience and thus perfect its subjects (Heb. 9:9; 10:1-4). The covenant was entered by the fleshly birth, thus assuring ignorance of, and alienation from, God, who is Spirit, and must be known and worshipped in spirit (Gen. 17:7-14; cf. Jn. 4:24). We later read, “They that are in the flesh cannot please God” (Rom. 8:8), and all Israel was thus situated, as we fear is likewise the case with much of the nominal church today. (Incidentally, all females of Abraham, through Jacob, were considered to be in the covenant [see Num. 36], though the males were formally inducted into it by the rite of circumcision—without which they were not reckoned as children of the covenant [Gen. 17:14]).
“If we except the few Gentile proselytes, who on condition of their being circumcised, were admitted to some of the rights and privileges of the Theocracy, all subjects of the old covenant had to be taught to know the Lord. But not so under the new covenant. No one, ignorant of Jehovah, can possibly become a member of it: ‘for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him’ (Heb. 11:6).”—Robert Milligan
The General Ignorance. In accordance with their flesh-and-blood nature, the law given to Israel was written “in tables of stone” (II Cor. 3:3). Thus, it was external to their inward man, and contrary to his very nature (Col. 2:14). What is more, the average Israelite had very little even of the knowledge of God afforded in his time. That was because, until establishment of the synagogues, there was not much public teaching of the people, though they themselves were commanded to study the Scriptures which they had (Deut. 6:4-9).
At best, therefore, the average Israelite perceived God only from the natural view-point (as do many churchmen nowadays), and so could not know Him in intimate spiritual discernment.  Men like David, who rose above that plane, were distinctly exceptions rather than the rule in the nation. This general nature of the case under the first covenant must be understood in order to perceive the full force of Jeremiah’s and Paul’s contrast of it in our text with the new one. In the former era, it was necessary for every man to teach his neighbor and brother, saying. “Know the Lord,” simply because that knowledge was not an integral part of covenant membership, as it is with the present dispensation.
Trhe Vivid Contrast. “Under the Jewish dispensation, the average Jew had only an exceedingly dim apprehension of religious truth, whether about God or the way to Him, or about holiness and immortality. But, under the new covenant, spiritual truth shall become more widely diffused and more clearly perceived. For now the Holy Spirit is the great Teacher of the church; and He does not impart esoteric instruction to some special caste, but teaches every believer ‘from the least to the greatest.’
“The full forgiveness of sins (Heb. 12). This ‘promise,’ although introduced last, precedes the others in actual bestowment. Sin must be pardoned and cleansed away before the law can be written on the heart, or the mind flooded with spiritual light. None of the Levitical sacrifices could expiate moral guilt; but on the basis of Christ’s atonement God now imparts that forgiveness which is the precedent condition of moral renewal and a holy life (Ps. 130:4).”—C. Jerdan
“It was not possible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sin. The blood of the new covenant, ‘shed for many for the remission of sins’ (Matt. 26:28), cleanses from all stains, and produces divine peace, looking at forgiveness in the light of God’s Word. It is an invaluable blessing. It releases us from evil thoughts, and excuses which appeared in the words of Adam and Eve, and makes the spirit to be ‘without guile.’” It disarms the power of temptation. It introduces those who are forgiven into the safe and joyful state of justification, with all the blessings which are inseparably connected therewith. It engages the Presence and gracious action of the Spirit of God, who enriches the soul with fruits of righteousness, and creates, by His Presence and power, an earnest of the life to come.” —D. Young 
The Way of the New. Since the grace aforetime purposed has now come by Christ the Savior, things are altogether different. Under the reign of that grace, covenant subjects have, not a tentative passing over of sin, but full and complete forgiveness and justification by “the blood of Jesus,” which is wholly efficacious for that purpose (Rom. 3:21-26: 5:9; Heb. 10:5-22). Because of the removal of sin, the way is wide open for both the Father and the Son, by the agency of the Spirit, to indwell covenant subjects, and for the subjects to dwell in Them.
This makes possible the spiritual knowledge of and fellowship with God which was not possible under the law given from Sinai. Such knowledge is the preeminent blessing God has for His people, being equated with spiritual life itself (Jn. 17:30). “‘The knowledge of God and of Christ is the sum of all science; this is the only knowledge that can incorporate and mingle with our being; and all other knowledge is real only so far as it is symbolic of this” (Harris).
Other Marked Contrasts. A marked contrast with the Sinaitic covenant is evident in the fact that participants in the new covenant become such by rebirth—of water and the Spirit’“ (Jn. 3:3, 5, ASV), not by the natural birth. The approach to Mount Zion is by personal faith and obedience (Heb. 12:22-24), not by the fleshly birth. It is essential that this be understood and acknowledged, if one is to comprehend Paul’s contrast in the text. New-covenant subjects begin life as such by knowing God (Jn. 6:44-45), inasmuch as hearing of Him, believing in Him, obeying Him, and receiving His Spirit are also required and associated with that beginning. Although they are required to increase in that knowledge (I Pet. 2:2-3; cf. Col. 1:9-10; II Pet. 3:18), in the beginning sense they knew Him at birth. We should certainly teach and exhort the brethren of things pertaining to the kingdom, but it is not in order to admonish them to “know the Lord.” We are to assume that they know Him; else, they should not be regarded as brethren.
As opposed to the divine law being written “in tables of stone” under the old covenant, it is inscribed “in fleshy tables of the heart” under the new one (II Cor. 3:3). This is that of which the text speaks as the putting of God’s laws in the mind and the writing of them in the heart. In a word, it denotes the reconciliation of covenant subjects to God, or the inclination of their hearts to His law, or Nature. Whereas the ordinary Israelite was inwardly unreconciled to God, all new-covenant participants are reconciled to Him, and, like the only begotten Son, delight to do His will, though they have “another law” within their members—that of sin—against which they must continually strive (Rom. 7:7-24).
The Ground for Divine Knowledge
The particular point of stress in the text of Hebrews 8:10-12 is the ground for the distinguishing knowledge of God which the better covenant features. It is expressed by Jeremiah, speaking for God (whom Paul quotes from the Septuagint) in these words: “For I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more” (Jer. 31:34). Incidentally, it should be noted that His one sufficient offering for sin (which provides the basis for God’s forgiveness of sin) is that upon which Christ, in His enthronement at the Father’s right hand, confidently expects the ultimate subjection of all His enemies (Heb. 10:10-14).
The Comprehensive Basis. The forgiveness of sin is, therefore, the ground for all the other three promises of the better covenant: writing of the law in the heart, God and subject relationship, and the resultant knowledge of God (Heb. 8:10-11). Though mentioned last, it is the basis of all four promises. At Christ’s death, or the rending of the “veil” of His flesh (Heb. 10:10), “the way into the holiest of all,” or the actual Presence of God in heaven, was “made manifest,” or thrown wide open to all His people (ch. 9:8). That death has opened for us “a new and living way” through “the curtain,” so that we may now boldly “enter into the holy place” by “the blood of Jesus,” and learn of God and fellowship with Him (ch. 10:19-22, RSV).
“The distinguishing characteristics of the new covenant are: (1) God’s laws, not imposed as an external code, but put into the mind and written on the heart; (2) the general knowledge of the Lord by small as well as great, without the former need of continued admonition; and (3) as the originating and inspiring cause of all, the forgiveness, on the Lord’s part, of sins.
“It is important to perceive that this last characteristic of the new covenant, though coming last in order, is given as the reason for the other two; for this is a first principle of the gospel.  The sense of forgiveness through Christ, of acceptance in the Beloved, is ever set forth as the inspiring principle of the obedience of Christians [cf. II Pet. 1:9]. ‘We love Him, because He first loved us’ (I Jn. 4:19).
“And hence flow the two results denoted in the prophecy: (1) ‘I will put My laws,’ etc.; i.e., there will ensue, through the inspiring Spirit, from the sense of forgiveness in Christ, a hearty service of love and loyalty; no more mechanical observance of an external code. Then, (2) ‘And they shall not teach,” etc.; i.e., those who, thus led by the Spirit, give themselves to such hearty service, will acquire, further, an immediate, and as it were instinctive, ‘knowledge of the Lord,’ not confined to ‘the wise’ or ‘the scribe,’ but the personal privilege of even the ‘little ones’ of Christ (cf. Matt. 11:25; Jn. 6:45; I Thess. 4:9; I Jn. 2:20).”—J. Barmby
The new covenant is, thus, one by which we may “draw nigh” to God, since under it sin has been put away and the defiled conscience has been cleansed (which had kept us from the divine Presence) (Heb. 7:19; cf. ch. 9:9; 10:1-4).
Interrelation of Knowledge, Forgiveness. In Isaiah’s prophecy of our Lord’s atonement for sin and its consequences for the individual occurs a representation of the interrelation between forgiveness and the knowledge of God. “By the knowledge of Himself shall My righteous Servant justify many; for He shall bear their iniquities,” it is declared (Isa. 53:11, ASV). The justification, of course, rests upon the Lord’s bearing of our iniquities and putting them away (Heb. 9:26: I Pet. 2:24).
But the knowledge of such justification comes from acquaintance with Christ, and perception of the significance for us of what He has done. Hence, Zacharias’ declaration, as he spoke of the ministry of John the Baptist in introducing the Messiah. He was to “give knowledge of salvation unto His people by the remission of their sins” (Lu. 1:77). It is a manifestation of the spiritual obtuseness of the day that very many persons who appear to have obeyed the gospel and to be trusting in Jesus as Savior have not yet come to a lively knowledge of their salvation in Him.
The Potential for Continued Increase
The potential for continued increase in the knowledge of God afforded by the forgiveness of sin needs to be perceived and fully exploited. “All shall know Me, from the least to the greatest, for I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and iniquities will I remember no more.” The sense of sin and condemnation is what keeps people from God. When one becomes spiritually aware that all this has been removed by Christ, and that now nothing at all stands between him and the Most High, he is emboldened to draw near, “in full assurance of faith,” and company with God, which is to come to know Him more and more (Heb. 10:22).
The Fruits of Divine Knowledge. We rightly attribute to the holy angels knowledge and wisdom vastly superior to the best of earth. This is because, through the millenniums, they have, with nothing between them and God, learned of Him, and so increased in these qualities. It can be something of the same with us in our measure. Now that we know God on the new-covenant level of awareness and relationship, and are “known of God” (Gal. 4:9), there is every reason why we ought to be daily growing in His grace and knowledge, as we are exhorted to do (II Pet. 3:18).
As we thus fellowship with God in the heavenly places through Christ, we, indeed, come to increasingly know Him, with all the blessed fruits of grace and peace, which are multiplied to us through that knowledge (II Pet. 1:2-3). It must be remembered that the “all things that pertain unto life and godliness” are ministered to us “through the knowledge of God” (v. 3). Hence, if we would acceptably walk in the “newness of life unto which we are risen in our baptism (Rom. 6:4), and add that godliness without which we are “barren and unfruitful” (II Pet. 1:6, 8), we must wholly utilize our pardoned state to grow in God’s knowledge.
“Observe, lastly, the ideality of the whole view given of the new covenant. It presents to us the purpose, the potentiality, of the new dispensation, rather than results to be fully realized in this world; though still actually realized as far as the ‘glorious light of the gospel’ illuminates the church, and is allowed to ‘shine into’ the human heart.”—J. Barmby

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Peace through the Knowledge of God


Peace through the Knowledge of God 

By Fred O. Blakely 

“Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord” (II Pet. 1:2). 

A striking demonstration of the perverseness and contradictoriness of the natural heart is its recoil from God, who alone is, and has, the complete sufficiency which it wholly lacks, and a sense of which it so desperately needs. This aversion is consistently manifested in the outright worldling, he plainly evidencing that he wants no part of the Most Holy. And it is all too often apparent in those who profess to love God. The typical churchman’s attitude seems to be that he can endure a little of the Divine acquaintance and fellowship, but draws back from becoming more than casually involved therein. Thus, do both classes forfeit for themselves the very real and efficacious benefits of spiritual knowledge and experience which are available from the “God of our salvation,” choosing rather to languish in their own blindness, impotency, and general wretchedness (Ps.65:5).

Its Availability to the Saints. One of the principal benefits available to people through the knowledge of God is that blessed tranquility and repose of soul which everyone desires and pursues, but which comparatively few, indeed, find. It is denominated by Scripture “the peace of God, which passeth all understanding,” and is certified as able to “keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus” (Phil. 4:7; cf. v. 6). 

“The knowledge of God is the sphere in which grace and peace are communicated to the soul. They cannot be found outside that sphere.” So might Paul, and we, well “count all things but loss for the excellency” of this knowledge (Phil. 3:8). “The grace and the peace of God flow abundantly into the soul that seeks this heavenly wisdom, and that longs for and obtains this inner knowledge of God and His Christ.” 

This peace is nothing more than a reflection of that perfect calmness and poise which constantly prevail before God’s throne in heaven, symbolized by the glassy sea (Rev.4:6; 15:2). It is generated and maintained in the human heart by the knowledge that the all-wise, all powerful, and merciful Jehovah reigns, and that all one’s times and circumstances are in His hands (Deut. 33:3; Ps. 31:5). Hence, the declaration of our text that grace and peace are “multiplied” to the believer “through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord.” 

Its Proclamation by Scripture. Not only, says the Apostle, is peace, which is the product of grace received not “in vain” (II Cor.6:1), supplied by knowing God; it is “multiplied,” or increased, thereby. Hence, the more knowledge, the more peace. As we “grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (II Pet. 3:18), we experience more and more of His peace. The end of this process is realization of that “perfect peace” promised to those whose minds are “stayed” on God (Isa. 26:3). 

The centrality of grace and peace to the saints’ heritage in Christ is emphasized by their prominence in the apostolic writings. Thirteen of Paul’s letters begin with an invocation of them (Hebrews only being excepted). both of Peter’s have the invocation, as does John’s second epistle, and that of Jude. Among other qualities, the “fruit of the Spirit” is peace (Gal. 5:22), the Divine kingdom essentially consisting in “righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost” (Rom. 14:7). Jesus, it will be recalled, “made peace through the blood of His cross” (Col. 1:20), and we, “being justified by faith” in that blood, now “have peace with God” through Him (Rom. 3:25; 5:1). We read that “God hath called us to peace” (I Cor. 7:15); thus, we are emboldened to “draw near” to Him through His Son in earnest quest thereof. 

Its Rationality in the State of the Case. The state of the case between God and us is altogether conducive to our experience of personal peace. All that we know of the Father, beckons and encourages us to seek Him through the Son, and to do so is to get better acquainted with Him, and in that acquaintance to be put at ease in our souls. This is, quite simply, the situation contemplated by the assertion that peace is multiplied, to God’s children through their knowledge of Him. And what a blessed situation it is, of a truth! What powerful constraint it ought to exert upon us to be constantly “increasing in the knowledge of God,” as we are supposed to be (Col. 1:10). 

God Is for Us. “God is for us,” especially if we be joined to His Son (Rom. 8:31). That transcendently glorious fact seems to be lost upon the consciousness of those who are disinclined to Him. They act as if He were some sort of a “Hatchetman,” unrelentingly bent upon their ruin. But the God of Scripture is quite the contrary. He “so loved” the lost world that He gave His only begotten Son for its salvation (Jn. 3:16). Accordingly, we conclude with the Apostle, “He that spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?” (Rom. 8:32). It is written, “God is not willing that any should perish,” but “will have all men to be saved, and come unto the knowledge of the truth” (I Tim. 2:4; II Pet. 3:9).

So is the Father called “the God of peace,” as the Son is denominated “the Prince of peace” (Isa. 9:6; Phil. 4:9; Heb. 13:20). He is also referred to as “the God of patience and consolation,” or of “patience and comfort” (Rom.15:5). Jesus Himself bequeathed Divine peace to His disciples on the night in which He was betrayed. “Peace I leave with you. My peace I give unto you,” He said. “Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid” (Jn. 14:27). Again, He declared, “These things I have spoken unto you, that in Me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation; but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world” (ch. 16:33). On the same occasion, the Master said to the Father, “This is life eternal, that they might know Thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom Thou hast sent” (ch. 17:3), connecting spiritual life with Divine knowledge. So the Apostle: “To be spiritually minded is life and peace” (Rom. 8:6). 

Its Realization by the Individual. If we are to have “the peace of God” rule in our hearts, as we are exhorted to do (Col. 3:15), our work thus is cut out. That peace comes by the knowledge of Him who has called us to His own peace. Eliphaz the Temanite, of old time, knew the secret. “Acquaint now thyself with Him, and be at peace” (Job 22:21). Hence, we must seek the Lord “while He may be found,” and call upon Him “while He is near” (Isa. 55:6). This is because our realization of the heritage of peace that belongs to us in Christ is strictly proportioned to the measure of our knowledge of the Father as He is revealed to us in Scripture. It is not to be had independently of that knowledge, but through it. 

This circumstance obviously necessitates study of the written word—arduous study, not a mere casual reading—as well as illumination of the Word by the Spirit. Thus, our Lord’s commandment: “Labor not for that meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give you; for Him hath God the Father sealed” (Jn. 6:27). So must we “labor” to enter into the rest of faith, or the peace of God, as it is elsewhere declared, or we shall not possess that heavenly blessing (Heb. 4:3, 11). 

“Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing (and in growing in His grace and knowledge), that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost” (Rom. 15:13). Thus, shall ye “neither be barren nor unfruitful” in the knowledge of God and of His Anointed (II Pet. 1:8), realizing in yourself His peace, “which passeth all understanding.”

благодать и мир вам да умножится в познании Бога и Христа Иисуса, Господа нашего.

que la grâce et la paix vous soient multipliées par la connaissance de Dieu et de Jésus notre Seigneur!

Gott gebe euch viel Gnade und Frieden durch die Erkenntnis Gottes und Jesu Christi, unsers HERRN!