The First Concern About Christ's Reign
By Fred O. Blakely
O Blessed Savior, what strange variety of conceits do I find concerning Thy thousand years' reign! What riddles there are in that prophecy which no human tongue can read. Where to fix the beginning of that marvelous millenary, and where the end, and what manner of reign it shall be—whether temporal or spiritual, on earth or in heaven—undergoes as many constructions as there are pens that have undertaken it. And yet, when all is done, I see Thine Apostle speaks only of the souls of the martyrs reigning so long with Thee, not of Thy reigning so long on earth with those martyrs.
How busy are the tongues of men—how are their brains taken up with the indeterminable construction of this enigmatical truth, when in the meantime the care of Thy spiritual reign in their
hearts is neglected! O my Savior, while others weary themselves with the disquisition of Thy Personal reign here on earth for a thousand years, let it be the whole bent and study of my soul to make sure of my personal reign with thee in heaven to all eternity. --Joseph Hall (1574-1656), English "Bishop of Exeter"