Showing posts with label vengeance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vengeance. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Pure and Righteous Judgment

Over and over in the Scriptures men are told to judge with righteous judgment as it is in accord with God's righteous judgment. "He shall judge the world in righteousness, He shall minister judgment to the people in uprightness" (Ps. 9:8). "The heavens shall declare His righteousness; for God is judge Himself (Ps. 50:6). "O let the nations be glad and sing for joy; for Thou shalt judge the people righteously, and govern the nations upon the earth" (Ps 67:4). "...He cometh to judge the earth; He shall judge the world with righteousness, and the people with His truth" (Ps. 96:13). Men of faith, men of righteousness, all those who live their lives "as innocent as doves" and suffer for it can live with hope in view of God's righteous judgment. "But, O Lord of hosts, that judges righteously, that triest the reins and the heart, let me see Thy vengeance of them; for unto Thee have I revealed my cause" (Jer 11:20). And so like Jesus, when they are reviled they can revile not again and when they suffer, they can threaten not, but can commit themselves to Him who judges righteously (l Pet 2:23). The pouring out of the wrath of God is a controlled and precisely orchestrated procedure. There is great fury and indignation that is poured out in an effortless and uninhibited way. There is not a struggle. There is not an explosion of emotion. No outbursts of anger but simply a rendering to every man his reward. --Patrick B. Woods