The God of Heaven holds out to insincere men a “golden cup” filled with abominations and filthiness (Rev. 17:4). From the earth perspective, which is as high as men in the flesh can ascend, this cup appears to be very attractive, and even to have worth. But this cup is filled with things which stir up the fierce anger of the Holy One, and when men partake of them, the God, “whose Name is Jealous” (Exod. 34:14), is given an additional just cause for rejecting them and condemning them. Not fair, some would reason? Not so, it is unreasonable beyond measure that men would not receive, and earnestly take for themselves, the great salvation that He initially held out to them.
Spiritual Babylon is "the mystery of iniquity" that was already at work in the first century (II Th. 2:7). It is the "second beast" mentioned in Revelation 13. There are two women identified in the book of the Revelation, one in chapter 12, and one in chapter 17 and 18. Babylon is the second woman. It is is a place, from which God's people are solemnly commanded to come out (Rev. 18:4), lest they be partarkers of the plagues that the God of Heaven will pour out upon it at the time appointed by Him.
Spiritual Babylon is the source of much of the wickedness that is in the world. It has "become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird." (Rev. 18:2), It is a place of spiritual incarceration, where men are enslaved by the error that they have been taught. (Incidentally, error and false teaching are much like seeds that are planted in, and grow up in men's hearts. Initially, error may be embraced and it does not appear to have any damaging effect. But eventually, when the seeds of error and the lie begin to enlarge in men's hearts and experience, they will sense that they are living with a contradiction inside of them, a contradiction which often exceeding difficult to ignore and discard. It is only as men come to know the truth, that the truth may set them free.)
Babylon is religion that is uniquely adapted to "the old man" (Eph. 4:22; Col. 3:9), where the unregenerated part of man is not regarded as an enemy, and where it is free to "come as you are", to borrow a quaint expression. Babylon is religion that makes no provision for nourishing "the new man" which is renewed in knowledge after the image of Him that created him.
Frequently those coming out of spiritual Babylon have attempted to make the best of an undesirable situation, not knowing the full scope of what Babylon was all about. "We would have healed Babylon, but she is not healed" (Jer. 51:9). She cannot be healed because the curse of God is upon her.
Babylon is a place that makes merchandise of the "souls of men" (Rev. 18:12-13). It is a place where earthly gain, and earthly benefits have eclipsed the absolute necessity of believing on Christ, seeking the things which are above, where Christ Jesus sitteth at the right hand of God, and counting all things as loss for winning Christ, and for knowing Christ, and the power of His resurrection. It is a religious environment where men may have a lucrative profession at the expense of the souls of other men. It is an environment where a man may get gain much like other men in the world, the only difference being that he "wears a rough garment to deceive" (Zech. 13:4).
“The world is wedded to the church, and the church is wedded to the world, and the world is her wedded name” (Alfred Rehwinkel, in The Flood).