The Role of Sanctification in the Gospel and
the Purpose of God
Part 3
Quotes from the Holy Brethren, Noted and Recorded by Jonathan
The Kingdom of God
overturns the natural.
The kingdom of God
isn’t about age, but about the place where God has placed you.
“God has given us life, and this life
is in His Son”
- Is it possible to get
something eternal from someone who is not eternal?
- God is familiar with
- History is only “HIS
- We are pretty narrow-minded
when it comes to “eternal”.
- The eternal one has given
us eternal life. Sounds like a good arrangement!
- Jesus wasn’t like other
- The death of Jesus was of
more import than that of other men.
- When God came as a man,
creation listened!
- How’s this for miraculous?
God died.
- Jesus died for what YOU did
- God needed a spotless lamb,
and Jesus was it!
- Sanctification is
separation by means of purification.
- We’ve been set apart to be
used ONLY by the Lord.
- You can probe a dead man
all you want, but you’ll never get a response.
- God put our feet in a firm
place. We didn’t get there ourselves.
“Now ye are washed, sanctified, and
- Sanctification comes from a
source outside of ourselves.
- Sanctification is how our
paths were changed.
- We called out of the wrong
path and into God’s path.
- God separated us for
- We were turned around for
the sake of sanctification.
- Anything used in the
tabernacle had to be set apart.
- In order for God to use you
in His kingdom he must sanctify you.
- Sanctification was not a
small thing.
- This sanctifying work is
the work of Christ.
- Sanctification is the thing
that took us from the unrighteous thing and made us righteous.
- Sanctification has the
ability to take us away from great wickedness and into the kingdom of
- We need to see sin the way
God sees it.
- It’s an incredible thing that
God changed us from what we were to what we are.
Audience Discussion
(Comments Included)
- This is not an open mic
night. Everybody can’t just come up and say anything they want.
- Most groups have a hard
time getting along.
- We can talk without
becoming hostile.
- You have to hear someone
talk in order to get to know them. So we want communication between
the brethren.
- Sanctification is the
changing of ourselves into the image of God. – Brother Evan McCulfor
- The gospel is GOD’S message
of good news. – Brother Jonathan Blakely
- The gospel is a message
from God that has the power to change men. – Brother Al Stoner
- The gospel has to be
preached to everyone that has an ear to hear. – Brother Pat Woods
- You can be forgiven of your
sins, but you also can stop being slave to it. – Brother Pat Woods
- The thing to get across to
people is their usability to God. – Brother Given O. Blakely
- God has a keen interest in
your usefulness to Him. – Brother Given O. Blakely
- God is calling you to
Himself out of your condemnation and past. – Brother Gene Hutchcraft
- Don’t serve the god of
things, but the God who made all things. – Brother Gene Hutchcraft
- Sanctification under the
law was a routine. – Brother Given O. Blakely
- In Christ Jesus we have
been liberated from the routines of our fathers, and you really are
clean. – Brother Given O. Blakely
- We are not servants like
ones that are not of the household of God, we are sons. – Sister June
- If you look back and see all
the things that you have let go of it will strengthen you. – Sister
Julie Miller
- In the old covenant God
said, “You do it”. In the new covenant Christ does it. – Brother Silas
- The law came by Moses, but
sanctification didn’t come. Sanctification came in the new covenant
through Jesus. – Brother Benjamin Blakely
- Sanctification turned from
outward to inward. – Brother Mike Knapp
- In Christ we are sanctified
and fit for the master’s use. – Brother Tim McCulfor
- Faith is operating in us to
sanctify us. – Sister June Blakely
- Sanctification is when you
become so compatible with the word of God that when you hear it you
just agree with it. – Brother Given O. Blakely
- God isn’t mainstream. – Brother
Judah Hutchcraft
- God is very particular in
what He uses. – Brother Judah Hutchcraft
- We shouldn’t use words like
“perfection” when describing God because that implies limitation.
“Excellencies” would be a better word to use because He does excel. – Brother
Al Stoner
- We work out sanctification,
but we do it in view of what Christ has already accomplished. – Brother
Al Stoner
- God can’t join Himself to
something that is unholy. – Brother Given O. Blakely
- If something is going to
change from unholy to holy, God is the only one who can bring about
that change because He is the one source of holiness. – Brother
Jonathan Blakely
- Sanctification is not an
idea, it’s something is put into action and done.
- The world is the place of
corruption because of sin. – Brother Al Stoner
- “The world” is the
environment that became corrupted due to defilement. – Brother Matthew
- “The world” is everything
that is going to pass away when Jesus. – Sister June Blakely
- The world distracts us from
Christ. – Brother Benjamin Blakely
- What we are not to love are
all the things that pertain solely to this life that will not make the
transition into the world to come. – Brother Jonathan Blakely
- Light and darkness cannot
coexist any more than the godly and ungodly can mix. – Sister Taylor
- The world is the place
where the devil is allowed to exercise authority. – Brother Michael
- We are separated from the
world by our affections. – Brother Al Stoner
- Seeking God’s grace
separates us from the world. – Brother Daniel Blakely
- We are living out Jesus in
this life. – Brother Mike Knapp
- Give men the word of your
testimony. – Brother Given O. Blakely
- When you eat your food, do
you pray for it? That’s shows something. – Brother Jonathan Blakely
- God’s people have a drawing
effect. – Brother Jeremy Williams
- I do my best because I am
working for the Lord. – Sister Emily Arnold
- The modern church has
tailored its programs on the assumption of the people’s disinterest. –
Brother Given O. Blakely
- Godly conduct can provoke a
brother that is struggling to do better. – Brother Jonathan Blakely
- One of the biggest
differences in the way Christ lived was the manner in which He
suffered. – Brother Erik Olmsted
- When we stumble we need God
to remedy it. – Brother Tim McCulfor
- God will incline your heart
to His testimonies. – Brother Tim McCulfor
- Jesus has opened all the
jail doors. – Brother Given O. Blakely
“God makes Jesus to be sanctification for
- Before you can live
separate you must first BE separate.
- We continually leap into
heavenly places.
- We’re staying clean because
God has work for us to do.
- God can make you clean so
that He can use you.
- God isn’t going to put His
hand to anything dirty any more than you do.
- You have to be a fit vessel
for a fit use.
- God is a working God.
- God isn’t lounging on the
heavenly couch.
- Would you give your life
for a gold course in heaven?
- Heaven is not a place of
- In the earth retirement is
- Leisure, pleasure, and
entertainment only goes so far.
- You were made for
- When man is prideful he is
very presumptuous of his fellowship with Christ.
- God made the first move.
- The fact that you were
drawn is evidenced that God was working in the first place.
- God is the primary worker
in salvation.
- Who is the worker in
salvation, us or God? YES!
- God doesn’t allow
anyone to sit down passively.
- It is in Christ that the
surety of the work is accomplished.
- Jesus will never let
someone be disappointed for trusting in Him.
- Jesus never quits, not even
when things are difficult!
- You never lack for
resources when in Christ.
- When you’re put into Christ
you’re put into Christ’s workshop.
- When God puts you into
Christ He puts you into the place where His hand is working.
- You don’t want to be
outdone by Job because he didn’t have much.
- Who do you know that is more
sanctified or set apart for divine work than Jesus?
- Jesus lived separate
because he WAS separate.
- Jesus didn’t sin because He
wasn’t a sinner.
- It’s one thing to take sin
away from you, it’s another thing to turn you from sin.
- As you live your life do
you notice yourself thinking less about yourself and more about Jesus?
That’s sanctification.
- Everyone who comes into
Christ comes in the right way.
- Satan’s primary mission is
to steal you away from Christ by shifting your attention elsewhere.
- God will see to it that
you’re everything He intends you to be.
“Jesus suffered without the gate to
sanctify the people”
- If a person is living by
laws, he has no right to eat at the gospel table.
- Those who believe in the
Lord Jesus have their hearts established by grace.
- If God isn’t going to use
it then there is no point in sanctifying it.
- It’s impossible for the new
creation to sin.
- God can work marvelous
works in men.
- If Jesus hadn’t sanctified
the work, all the divine objectives of God would have been mere
- Sanctification is about how
God sees you.
- God is able to conform you
to the image of His Son.
- We don’t atone for our sins
with works.
- God arranged the sacrifices
of old with the sacrifice of Christ in mind.
- Sin must be separated from
the people.
- Jesus is the second man
from heaven.
“He that sanctifies
and they that are sanctified are all of One”
- In sanctification men are
being changed from what they are to what they shall be.
- In your fellowship with the
Godhead you’ll become like the Godhead.
- The everlasting gospel can
be preached because of what Christ has done.
- The gospel is calling men
to turn from wickedness.
- Men will be the vessels
where God displays His mercy.
- The church is a witness of
the mercy of God.
- Jesus is the first of what
men shall be. By looking at Christ we see what God is bringing us to.
- We’re in a vital living
union with the Godhead.
- In saving men, God is
giving men to Jesus.
- The purpose of God is much
bigger than us.
- The purpose of sanctification
is about making us more acceptable, but making us more useful.
- God is at work in our
- Sufferings cause us to rely
on resources that are beyond here.
- We must not be confused
about our experiences in this world because it will cause heartache.
- In this life we are loaded
up and do work with weight set on us, but in this the Lord is training
- We want to experiences the
resisting of sin, even unto blood.
- We need something of
substance that we can take hold of.
- It’s a dangerous thing when
the people of God are not being built up.
- Jesus is with us in
- There is no fellowship
between you and the world, but there is between you and God.
- Our sanctifier knows that
we need to be sanctified.
- What you were in the past
doesn’t disqualify you. It’s remembered no more!
- There is a lot of help in
- Sanctification isn’t just
about separateness, but God-likeness.
- You have been separate FROM
something, but what are you separated to?
- The Lord works above and
- It’s crucial to know what
the Bible tells us.
- We need to fill our minds
with the word of the Lord.
- Keep your eyes fixed on
Christ so you can see Him.
- Because we are new
creatures it is not in our nature to commit sin.
- God doesn’t just consider
you righteous by follow His law.
- Because of Christ I have
become an overcomer.
- In darkness I never found
rest or mercy.
- I was attracted to Christ
and still am.
- The Scriptures are like a
cold drink on a hot day. This is because it’s living.
- Knowing I’m a new creature makes
me work hard.
- The devil gives eternal
- Don’t let your mind get
- If you do something without
God, you sin.
- Know that when we grow
weary we are provided rest.
- We can see the Lord’s
sanctifying work in each other.
- When our outer man
decreases, our inner man increases.
- The law was revealed
because of my transgressions.
- The prince of this world
has blinded the minds of those who believe not.
- I thought I had control of
my own destiny. That’s how blind Satan made me.
- I used to think I was a
good kid who was in no need of that “churchy” stuff.
- You can’t make good
decisions when you’re apart from Christ.
- The things of this world
are not fulfilling.
- Apart from God this life is
hollow and has no meaning.
- When you come into Christ
His affections are your affections and His hatreds are your hatreds.
- There is no one who can get
to the Father except by Jesus.
- The things we do in the
body of Christ are not only of profit to us, but also to the rest of
the body.
- We really are able to sin
no more.
- The blood of Christ is more
precious than gold and silver.
“The judgment of those who count the blood
of the covenant an unholy thing”
- Satan doesn’t just want a
piece of the church, he wants to bring the whole thing down.
- Scriptural warnings are not
just given to backsliders for correction. They are given to the
faithful to PREVENT backsliding as well.
- Jesus didn’t have a list of
exceptions when He spoke of salvation through Him.
- Did Jesus ever say, “If any
man go to…him”? Jesus says, “Come to ME”.
- When God draws a man, that
man is going to Jesus.
- God has provided ONE WAY
for men to be saved and that ONE WAY is more than capable of
accomplishing salvation!
- Jesus didn’t get nailed to
the cross just for a handful of people.
- If we are only separated
from the world by name only, we’re a big fat joke.
- The people who are set
apart by God are going to be contributors to what He is doing.
- Because Jesus died the
righteousness of God is not compromised.
- In a world full of guilt
God’s people stand out as forgiven.
- Whatever there is in our
hearts that is holy, and whatever influences there are in our lives
that make us holy, are all owing to the fact that Jesus was obedient
unto death and tasted death for every man.
- All godliness, holiness,
and acceptance by God is traced back to the cross.
- Is it joyful to consider a
believer falling from grace? Not at all.
- To “sin willfully” is to
choose a life of sin over Christ. It is voluntarily sinning as opposed
to sinning due to a moment of weakness.
- Backsliding is stepping
towards the cliff. Falling away is falling OFF the cliff and
plummeting to your death.
- A person who falls away can
never be saved again.
- We have no revelation about
how to know a person has fallen away.
- If you could know a person
was beyond recovery, how could you live with such knowledge? God has
shown mercy to us in keeping this knowledge hidden.
- If you throw Jesus away you
throw away the one means of salvation.
- Picture God extremely
angry…pretty frightening to consider.
- Hell is eternity without
God in a place where you have no place in.
- Hell isn’t going to be a
playroom for the wicked.
- In hell meaning to life
will be nonexistent.
- To count the blood of
Christ as unholy is to deny its power.
- Counting Christ’s blood as
unholy is departing from the provision with a bitter heart and
treating it as though it meant nothing to you.
- If you depart from Christ,
you don’t just walk away, you run Him over.
- If you abandon Christ you
forfeit the life you had through Him.
- You can’t keep dabbling in
the world and expect to keep coming back.
- So many people just say you
can fall away and leave it at that, but what about NEVER FALLING?
Doesn’t that sound a lot better?
- The blood of Jesus is
- Never assume a person has
fallen away.
- There is only one way to be
saved. Once you find that way you can’t afford to leave it.
“In what sense did God sanctify Jesus?”
- I’m not troubled when I
hear that Jesus is King.
- Jesus was accused of being
“the friend of sinners”. He was the only one that could make them NOT
- There is nothing that is
sanctified and not accepted.
- The world borrows words,
but I don’t see the world borrowing the word “sanctification”.
- Sanctification is not a
process to be placed on the shelf.
- Nothing that gets
sanctified is unused.
- God doesn’t have any rental
services or subcontractor agreements.
- The opposite of
sanctification is to desecrate.
- Everything that was given
to the Lord had to be sanctified.
- Jesus is above all the
shadows, the prophecies, and promises of the old covenant.
- Jesus is a man after God’s
own image.
- Nobody can avoid or evade
- Jesus is sanctified out of
what is sanctified.
- By speaking God created
everything that can be seen.
- There is coming a day when
Jesus will empty all the graves.
- When Jesus speaks you ought
to conclude, “No man speaks like this man”.
- I’m unlearning disobedience
when I learn obedience, but Jesus just had to learn obedience, yet
never disobeyed.
- Jesus’ humility is
sanctified above all other humility.
- When Jesus was sanctified
it wasn’t on the same level as our sanctification.
- God has put the weight of
His eternal purpose on Jesus’ shoulders.
- The advancement of God’s
kingdom is in Jesus’ hand.
- What Jesus is doing the
angels couldn’t do.
- What Jesus is upholding, no
one else could uphold.
- Jesus, today, is saving
many men alive.
- Something God has been
working in me is JOY.
- I am one that the Lord has
brought back.
- I think the Lord allowed me
to wander off just so I would see how sick the world really is.
- The distance you’re going
to wander off will exclusively be based on how much what you know
about what God said.
- When I told the Lord, “I’m
going to do it your way”, it was it at that point I died to myself.
- God doesn’t really want to
break your fellowship with the church, rather he wants to keep you
from hearing God and make your fellowship with the brethren
- Unanswered prayers are the
foundation for patience.
- If you’re not closer to God
today than you were yesterday, you have to ask yourself, “Whose flock
am I in?”
- How much of a forgiving
spirit do you have?
- Make sure there isn’t one
unforgiven thing in your life.
- Pray that your life on
earth is as it is in heaven.
- I want every thought in my
head to be under control.
- When I came back, just
think of how God smiled on me.
“Saints elect according to
foreknowledge and sanctification”
- There are some things that
exiles need to know.
- No matter how the world
treats you, God has accepted you.
- Election is the mountaintop
view of salvation.
- God doesn’t have the
limitation of time.
- Only the Holy Spirit can
take us from the mountaintop and bring us down the ground where the
rubber meets the road concerning our salvation.
- God is the source of
- Salvation is not just God
responding to our needs.
- If you’re in Christ today
it is because of God.
- God does the electing in
- God made the choice to save
men who believe the gospel of our Christ.
- God did not choose you
because you chose Him first.
- Election is God’s mercy.
- If you belong to God, who
made the first move? It was God!
- Do you want God to only be
fair with you?
- God doesn’t have to save
- God doesn’t owe anything to
us except condemnation.
- If anyone is elect of God,
it isn’t “fair”, it’s GRACE!
- Salvation is not a deal
between you and God.
- Election pulls the rug out
from underneath the feet of humanity and forces men to their knees.
- Election is an insider view
of salvation.
- There are some aspects of
the gospel that are unpackaged for believers only.
- God is behind your exile in
the world.
- Men like to believe they
are in charge of their own destiny.
- Election is about grace,
not work-for-pay.
- You got a problem with God
electing? Who are you?
- God knowing what you were
going to do before you did it is true, but that doesn’t minister
- Foreknowledge isn’t God
knowing what I would do beforehand, it’s knowing what HE would do
- God knowing us is God’s
recognition of us.
- God had kind intentions for
us before the world was made.
- Did God simply know what
Jesus would do beforehand? Is that why He chose Him?
- God knew you before you
were born and determined to put you into Christ.
- God is the origin and
foundation of our salvation.
- Sanctification tends to be
skipped over when men talk about salvation.
- It’s always wrong to
represent God with a physical image.
- The people of God had to be
like God.
- If you want to meet with
God and survive you have to be like God.
- God hasn’t changed His view
of sin!
- Something has to change,
but it isn’t going to be God.
- Under the old covenant men
had to be holy. If you look into the new covenant, what does it say?
It says “be holy”!
- What’s changed? People.
- You’re set apart so that
God can live in you.
- God wants to use us to do
something NOW in the world.
- Sanctification isn’t
putting you on the shelf and then doing nothing.
- Did God sit you in a corner
just to blink or look pretty?
- The very presence of God in
us makes us strangers to the world.
- Sanctification isn’t
physical distance.
- How can we be saved from
sin if it still dominates our lives?
- The whole point of putting
sin to death is so that we can live for God.
- We live a different kind of
life that is in harmony with our true homeland.
- Suffering is a part of our
- You’re being sanctified in
a world that hates God.
- The people of God shouldn’t
be known for what we DON’T do, but for what we DO.
- We should live such
acceptable lives that the ungodly see the difference in us.
- We don’t believe in quite
Christians and silent saints.
- Every believer should be
able to speak about their faith intelligently to anyone who is willing
to listen.
- We shouldn’t expect the
world to like what we have to say, but we have to say it anyway.
- It is fitting to publically
give thanks to the Lord.
- God has brought us through
many different things, the emphasis is “THROUGH”.
- Everyone has a valley that
they must travel through.
- I felt the need to give
thanks to God.
“The Holy Spirit sanctifies the offering
up of the Gentiles”
- We must not take for
granted our former condition of being Gentiles in the flesh.
- All men are on the same
field when it comes to God’s objective of redemption:
- God so loved the world.
- The Father sent the Son to
be the Savior of the world. Christ tasted death for every man.
- God is presently engaged in
the work of teaching men about His Son.
- Men come to Jesus because
God has been working in their hearts, teaching them to properly value
- Both God and Christ are
working in concert with each other in the accomplishment of salvation.
- God was in Christ
reconciling the world unto
Himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them.
- The Father sent the Son to
be the Savior of the world.
- The Father sanctified the
Son and sent Him into the world.
- There was time there were
two folds (Jew and Gentile), but now there is only one fold and one Shepherd.
- The middle wall of
partition (which once stood between Jew and Gentile in the purpose of
God) has now been broken down.
- The Gentiles are now fellowcitizens with the
saints, and of the household of God.
- All Christ’s sheep,
regardless of what fold they are from, have this one thing in common,
they hear His voice!
- The righteousness of God is
unto all, and upon all them that believe. Don’t let anyone take that away from
- We were once on the outside
of “the door of faith”, but that door has now been opened in
accordance with God’s eternal purpose in Christ.
- The expression “the door
of faith” implies that a time would come when that “door” would be
thrown wide open.
- Paul was sent to minister
to the “desolate heritages” (the Gentiles), whom the Lord Jesus Christ
was commissioned by the Father to raise up, as expressed in Isaiah 49.
- If you were to buy a
house, would you in your right mind buy something that is desolate?
- That’s what Christ
received! But those desolate heritages are not desolate anymore
because of what the Savior has worked in them salvationally!
- God knew Paul’s heart from
the time he was in his mother’s womb.
- In his letter to the
Galatians Paul affirmed that God had called him from his mother’s
womb, long before he was known for persecuting the church.
- God is not purposing to
take possession of your possessions, He is purposing to take
possession of YOU.
- Your possessions, and your
stewardship of them, are nevertheless an integral part of the process
of your being sanctified.
“What it means to be
sanctified by faith”
- God is offering men life
for a LOOK, a look with the eye of faith.
- The eye of faith can penetrate
vain religion.
- God is determined to turn
men from darkness and the power of Satan.
- The forgiveness of sins
isn’t everything, it’s the BEGINNING of everything!
- Forgiven sin loses its
- How do you resist the
devil? Say, “NO.”
- Jesus didn’t die to give
you a happy marriage. Moses could have given you that.
- You were accepted before
you were called, and then you were sanctified after you were called.
- Sanctification takes place
without any of your input.
- Until Jesus died for all
sin not one sin could be forgiven.
- Before Christ men had to
live their lives with a defiled conscience.
- Before the work was started
God had it all mapped out.
- Why did God grant
repentance? Because the people were sanctified.
- Before God even started
working He cleaned everything out so that no one could lay a charge
against Him.
- The work of sanctification
isn’t a work that’s up to the church.
- Everybody needs to be made
to stand.
- The work of salvation by
God in men has been legitimatized
by the sufferings of Christ.
- If God forgives your sins,
you have to believe that!
- God will give you
repentance if you just let Him do it.
- You’re born into this world
as a Siamese twin with Adam. Coming into Christ causes there to be a
separation between you and Adam.
- The people God is going to work
on have been set apart for the work.
- You don’t want to gather
around the world so that it’s hard to get out.
- When you’re sanctified you
default to God’s side.
- You do not have a right to
just do what you want.
- God didn’t set things up
for independent living.
- God’s going to give you
good things…a LOT of good things!
- Getting help from someone
other than Jesus is unlawful, a crime, and sin.
- There isn’t anything
Christ’s resources doesn’t cover.
- If you ask God for
something He says that he gives, heavenly beings know this is right!
- The church (of today) is
accommodated to weak spiritual status.
- It’s time to defer to
people who WANT the blessing! If it’s a small number of people, it
won’t stay that way!
- TOMORROW isn’t the day of
salvation! TODAY is!
- Today you can get
everything that salvation promises.
- What do you need that faith
won’t give you?
- Faith is the key that
unlocks everything.
- When you have faith enough
to say, “Yes” to Christ and extend yourself, you will find that you
are able to do that thing you were unable to do before.
- All you have to do to hear
the words, “Enter into the joy of thy Lord” is keep the faith.
“Why do we come to the Lord’s table?”
- If we don’t partake
of the Lord’s supper in the right manner, people can get sick, or die.
- Jesus, the slain Lamb of
God, is why we come to this table.
- We come to this table
because we love God and Jesus. We appreciate what they have done.
- We want to commune with the
Lord often, until we see the face of Jesus.
- Remember this is the new
covenant in Christ’s blood.
- Jesus isn’t just a loaf of
bread sitting on a table. He’s the LIVING bread.
- The blood of Jesus is much
more valuable than gold and silver.
- We don’t have to experience
God’s wrath.
- Christ has clothed us with
God’s righteousness.
- We’ve been loved and
- We’re already Christ’s
spotless bride, but the fullness of that will be seen in eternity.