AND HE SEPARATED THE DISCIPLES Given O. Blakely “But when divers were hardened, and believed not, but spake evil of that way before the multitude, he departed from them, and separated the disciples, disputing daily in the school of one Tyrannus." (Acts 19:9)
” Other versions read, “withdrew the disciples” (NKJV ),“took away the disciples” (NASB), “took the disciples with him” (NIV), “taking the disciples with him” (NRSV), “kept the disciples separate” (BBE), “met separately with the disciples” (CSB) “took his disciples” (GWN), “took away the disciples” (NAU), and “took his disciples apart.” (NJB).
Briefly consider the revealed objective for all apostles, prophets, evangelists, and pastors and teachers. “And He gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; for the perfecting of the saints, 1 for the work of the ministry, 2 for the edifying of the body of Christ: 3 till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, 4 unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ: 5 that we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; 6 but speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ: 7 from whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, 8 maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love” (Eph 4:11-16).
1. FOR THE PERFECTING OF THE SAINTS. This has to do with spiritual maturity. The target is for the child of God to grow up into Christ in all things (Eph 4:15). There is no provision – absolutely none – in Christ Jesus for remaining juvenile and immature. Salvation does not sustain such a state. The grace of God is not calculated to leave one in that condition. Faith has no quality that encourages immaturity or a lack of growth., Hope makes no contribution to such a status. If the aim is to conform the sons to the image of Christ (Rom 8:29-30), this ought to be abundantly apparent. However, judging from the condition of the modern church, one would never suspect that this was the case. The church of our time, with exceedingly few exceptions, is a gigantic contradiction to this Ephesian text – all talk notwithstanding.
2. FOR THE WORK OF THE MINISTRY. Other versions read, “equipping of the saints for the work of service,”NASB and “prepare God’s people for works of service.” NIV This is not a reference to community service or common philanthropic work. This has to do with ministries within the body of Christ, as the text will confirm in verses 15-16. Each member of Christ’s body is strategically placed within the body by God Himself. As it is written, “But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased Him” (1 Cor 12:18). It is their relationship to the other members of the body that is the point. They have been baptized by one Spirit into one body in order to be a means through which Christ ministers to His people (1 Cor 12:13). There is no such thing as a non-functioning member of Christ’s body. The point of the gifts given to the church (Eph 4:11) is to get those members working productively and effectively.
3. FOR THE EDIFYING OF THE BODY OF CHRIST. Other versions read, “for the building up of the body of Christ,” NASB and “so that the body of Christ may be built up.” NIV This is not talking about numerical growth – although that may very well happen. This is addressing the matter of spiritual maturity – a state in which one can discern good and evil (Heb 5:14), and effectively minister to the children of God. Edification occurs when faith, hope, and love, are made stronger, and the individual members are able to stand against the wiles of the devil, while engaging in a energetic pursuit of holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord (Heb 12:14).
4. TILL WE ALL COME TO THE UNITY OF THE FAITH AND OF THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE SON OF GO0D. Every person who does not grow up into Christ is a liability to the church. They are a portal through which Satan can enter and work; for, by remaining in a state of childishness, they are a living contradiction of the Kingdom of God, which is as a mustard seed that begins small, yet grows into a large tree (Matt 13:31-32). The body of Christ is to be brought to a point where everyone can comprehend the things of God. An intelligent grasp of both the nature and direction of the Kingdom of God is to be possessed. There is only “one faith” (Eph 4:5), and while it may vary in degrees, it does not vary in nature. The “knowledge of the Son of God” is acquaintance with Him, so that His voice is recognized and known, and His ways discerned to some measurable degree. While every believer is at some point a novice, they are not to remain in that state. They are to be conversant with the things of God – able to perceive them, take them up, and handle them. Every member of Christ’s body who remains deficient in faith and the knowledge of the Son of God must grow out of that state. The gifts given to the church are designed to make that happen. Where it is not happening, either no true minister is present, or the ministers have been recalcitrant to their revealed duty.
5. UNTO A PERFECT MAN, UNTO THE MEASURE OF THE STATURE OF THE FULNESS OF CHRIST. Unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of Christ. The “perfect man” is the church in the aggregate: “till we ALL come . . . unto a perfect MAN.” Although comprised of individuals, the “church,” which is “the body” (Col 1:18), is a single entity – “one body” (Eph 4:4). It is not that it ought to be “one body,” that is what it is. Its oneness is directly traced to the likeness of its members to the Head, which is Jesus Christ. Since no single member possesses all of the traits of Jesus, the aim is for each member to mature in that Divine quality that is most prominent in them. In other words, in their Divinely assigned capacity within the body of Christ, they are to conduct themselves as Jesus. That is the aim. In so doing, they will reflect their “measure of the stature of the fulness Christ.”
6. THAT WE BE NO MORE CHILDREN. In Christ, simplicity and naivete are not friends. Because eternal life is knowing God and Christ (John 17:3), ignorance is a liability. The barrage of false teaching that originates with Satan and his hosts is especially hurled at those who are babes in Christ – those who are not grown up. In the initial phase of spiritual life, the Lord protects His children, making them stand (Rom 14:4), and gently leading and caring for them (Isa 40:11). However, there does come the time when they themselves must “stand against the wiles of the devil” (Eph 6:11). They must see through the errors to which they are subjected, and learn to “fight the good fight of faith,” laying “hold on eternal life” (1 Tim 6:12).
7. SPEAKING THE TRUTH IN LOVE MAY GROW UP INTO HIM. Other versions read, “holding the truth in love” (DARBY), “doing the truth in charity” (DOUAY), “follow the truth in love” (GENEVA), “living the truth in love” (NAB), “practicing the truth in love” (NET), “live by the truth and in love” (NJB), “being true in love” (YLT), and “let our lives lovingly express truth [in all things, speaking truly, dealing truly, living truly]” (AMPLIFIED).
The word translated “speaking” has no true parallel in the English language. It does include the idea of speaking, but is not limited to that. The idea is that “truth is the element in which we are to live, move, and have our being” (PULPIT COMMENTARY). Speaking the truth in love has nothing whatsoever to do with tone. Those who reject the truth because they do not like the way it has been said have revealed their own hearts, not the hearts of those who testified to them. In my judgment, the word “speaking” is used to accentuate the gifts the text states have been given to the church. They are all “speaking” gifts: “apostles, prophets, evangelists, and pastors and teachers” (Eph 4:11). It is understood that those ministries can only be effective within the context of truth – truth that is lived out as well as spoken.
8. THROUGH CHRIST, THE WHOLE BODY IS COMPACTED TOGETHER BY THE WORKING OF EVERY PART. As the “Good Shepherd,” Christ ministers to His people, feeding them and leading them (John 10:11-14; Heb 13:20). However, He does this through means. So far as His body is concerned, it is apparently most frequently, though not exclusively, through its various members that nourishment comes to the individual believers. Each member is like a spiritual conduit through which spiritual nourishment is ministered to the brethren. Any kind of spiritual life that is unrelated to this objective is spurious and worthless.
9. THAT AN INCREASE MAY BE REALIZED, WHICH IS DEFINED AS THE BODY EDIFYING ITSELF IN LOVE. The “increase” of reference is not numerical growth. It is true that numerical growth can take place in varied ways. This can take place exponentially – multiplication (Acts 6:1,7; 9:31l 12:24), It can also range from “a great multitude” and “many” (Acts 17:4,12), to a household (Acts 16:15,34; 18:8), and even to a single individual (Acts 8:38-39). However, the “increase” mentioned in this text refers to spiritual maturity, or growing up into Christ “in all things.” It is increasing in faith, spiritual aptitude, and godly expression. This is the point at which the individual members [and, consequently] the whole body begins bringing forth “fruit unto God” – the revealed intention of it all (Rom 7:4).
Given these revealed objectives, precisely what kind of justification can be presented for remaining in a gathering where such things are not at all apt to happen? If there is only a “form of godliness that denies the power thereof,” are not God’s people told to “turn away” from such (2 Tim 3:5). Jesus did not remain where truth was not received (Matt 16:4; 21:15-17; Mk 12:13-14), nor did Paul and those with him (Acts 13:46,51; 18:6). In fact, since Jesus has been exalted into heaven, we have no example of any lengthy period during which any man of God sought to teach or direct those lacking a love for the truth. When stubborn unbelief rears its head and refuses to leave, the time has come for the man of God to move on! I understand that patience is required, as well as discernment of the true situation. Also, judgments cannot be made upon the basis of human opinion or conjecture. But eventually, unbelief will have the truth withdrawn from it, and woe to the person who insists on remaining united with those who refuse to be united to Christ through their rejection of the truth!
Thus, it makes perfect sense that Paul took the disciples and left the synagogue. Had there been a compelling interest in the truth of the Gospel, he would have rejoiced to stay. But such an environment was not present. In the interest of the disciples – who are the premier people before God – he moved to a place that was more conducive to collective teaching.
PRAYER POINT: Father, grant me grace to be as intolerant of lies as You are, and as devoted to the truth as He who Himself is the truth. |
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