Saturday, May 30, 2015

The Holy Spirit's Indispensability

The whole world lies in satanic deception and wickedness. We who are of God, therefore, need the enlightenment and constant leadership of the Holy Spirit, if we are to safely negotiate the perilous course through the world to the heavenly home. This illumination, and guidance we have by the Spirit, operating through the written Word of God, as we receive Christ and continue to submit to Him. ''He that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life," is our Lord's promise (Jn. 8:12). Without the indwelling Spirit we cannot but walk in darkness (Jer. 10:23), not knowing whither we go. We know not how, nor are we able, to "refuse the evil and choose the good" as we are required to do (cf. Isa. 7:16; Heb. 5:14). Thus, we need daily to pray, after the manner of David, 'Take not Thy Holy Spirit from me" (Ps. 51:11; cf. 27:9), and to constantly seek grace to submit fully to His promptings.—Dean E. Boelt

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