Saturday, January 11, 2025

The Lamb's Book of Life

The Lamb's Book of Life

The Book of Life—that blest register of Heaven,In which "the whole family" of God was enrolled “from the foundation of the world" (Mt. 25:34; Eph. 3:15; Rev.13:8; 17:8)! The official roster of "the general assembly and church of the Firstborn,” which is “written not with ink,”but with the finger of the everlasting God! Like all of God's works, it partakes of His character, being of necessity "very good"—that is,perfect—in its scope and in its eternal nature (Gen. 1:31; Eccl. 3:14). Wholly unaffected by “our works,” it is a product entirely of divine grace,“which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began" (II Tim. 1:9-10). How this precious roll of the "heirs of promise" has intrigued, impelled, and comforted believing hearts down through the ages (Heb.6:17)! And how it continues, and shall continue, to do so until "the mystery of God” is finished, and He shall become “All in all" (I Cor. 15:24-28; Rev. 10:7; 21:5-6).

—Fred O. Blakely

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